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Croteau Reunion Photos

Annie Croteau

Des Plaines, IL. July, 2006. 

Item: New job is a blast! Since I started in October '05, I've been to Seattle, New York, St. Louis, and San Diego. But the most fun is just coding in basic assembler language - something I learned back in 1969. I'm attempting to improve the features / performance of one of my company's products - E-SRF Access Analysis. EKC's Web Site...

More on this later...

Item: The Jean Baptiste Croteau family reunion was a blast! I've put some pictures up on this site. Viewing them requires a high speed internet connection, or a lot of patience.

Item: Thanksgiving in Des Plaines was also a blast. Ditto on the pics.

Item: An evolving section on Prayers of the Church.

Item: I've stopped job hunting, because I got one. It's a wonderful company, doing what I really like. All of your prayers brought it about, and are appreciated.

More info from some prior versions of this page... Basement, kitchen, patio, etc...

My areas of general interest are:

...Send me a note...

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